Toneri Boruto
Naruto the movie setelah itu ia sempat terlupakan lama hingga akhirnya dia muncul lagi di boruto.
Toneri boruto. Saat naruto berhasil mengalahkan toneri tenseigannya pun hilang. Kemungkinan gen naruto membuat teknik mata boruto meningkat dan lahirlah jougan yang kita lihat di anime dan manga boruto. Who kidnapped heiress of hyūga clan.
Tujuan kemunculan toneri di boruto episode 8. Memperkenalkan kembali toneri kedalam cerita dapat merubah beberapa hal. Kemungkinan toneri memang memberikan sedikit kekuatannya pada boruto ditambah gen hinata maka boruto seharusnya memiliki tenseigan.
Namun kita ada dalam kasus berbeda ada gen naruto di sini. No anime alguns anos depois ao ler as estrelas ele notou um cometa entrando em uma constelação e reconheceu que uma colheita logo ocorreria e que boruto uzumaki teria um papel vital os eventos fatídicos que estão por vir. Toneri mungkin jarang muncul di boruto terutama setelah ia dibekukan namun dia tampaknya memegang peranan penting untuk masa depan boruto uzumaki.
A pesar de ser consciente de la existencia de nue toneri fue incapaz de intervenir personalmente por miedo de atraer la. As of right now boruto has no idea who toneri is other than being part of some random dream once. Sulla luna toneri si sforza di appianare le distorsioni dello spazio tempo chiedendosi come farà boruto ad affrontare il grande male che sta per arrivare vorace dallo spazio.
Toneri appears in boruto s dream. He is from the same clan as kaguya ōtsutsuki and a blood relative of her son hagoromo.
Toneri viene nominato nel romanzo per aver dato informazioni riguardo al clan otsutsuki ai ninja del villaggio della foglia. Toneri hablando con boruto en su sueño. Años después mientras leía las estrellas toneri notó que un cometa pasaba una constelación reconociendo que pronto se produciría una cosecha y que boruto uzumaki desempeñaría un papel vital en los eventos futuros.
Toneri ōtsutsuki in japanese. Toneri otsutsuki adalah anggota klan otsutsuki yang diperkenalkan di the last. Hanabi whom he captured after failing to kidnap her sister hinata thanks to naruto s intervention which caused naruto and his gang.
I feel that at some point he s gonna somehow be able to release him from the genjutsu with the help of the jougan after finding out who he really is and what s happened to him. Dan ini bisa menjadi isyarat bahwa kemunculannya sebagai petunjuk bahwa mata boruto itu bisa. In the anime some years later while reading the stars he noticed a comet passing into a constellation and recognised that a harvest would soon occur and that boruto uzumaki would play a vital role in the fateful events to come.